Next Committee Meeting Saturday , TBA

On this page

  1. Committee Meeting 26/03/2016
  2. Committee Meeting 21/05/2016
  3. Committee Meeting 30/07/2016
  4. Spec Committee Meeting 20/08/2016
  5. Committee Meeting 29/10/2016
  6. Committee Meeting 26/11/2016
  7. Committee Meeting 29/04/2017
  8. Committee Meeting 24/06/2017
  9. Committee Meeting 30/09/2017
  10. Committee Meeting 27/01/2018
  11. AGM 03/03/2018
  12. Committee Meeting 28/04/2018
  13. Committee Meeting 25/08/2018
  14. Committee Meeting 27/10/2018
  15. AGM 02/03/2019
  16. Committee Meeting 27/04/2019
  17. Committee Meeting 28/09/2019
  18. Committee Meeting 26/10/2019
  19. Committee Meeting 22/02/2020
  20. AGM 07/03/2020
  21. Committee Meeting 21/11/2020
  22. Special Members Meeting 06/02/2021
  23. AGM 06/03/2021
  24. General Meeting 03/04/2021
  25. General Meeting 01/05/2021
  26. General Meeting 05/06/2021
  27. General Meeting 06/11/2021
  28. General Meeting 04/12/2021
  29. Special Members Meeting 11/06/2022
  30. Special Members Meeting 20/08/2022
  31. General Meeting 10/09/2022
  32. General Meeting 01/10/2022
  33. General Meeting 05/11/2022
  34. General Meeting 03/12/2022
  35. General Meeting 07/01/2023
  36. General Meeting 04/02/2023
  37. AGM 04/03/2023
  38. General Meeting 01/04/2023
  39. General Meeting 06/05/2023
  40. Special Members Meeting 13/05/2023
  41. General Meeting 03/06/2023
  42. General Meeting 01/07/2023
  43. General Meeting 07/10/2023
  44. General Meeting 04/11/2023
  45. General Meeting 02/12/2023
  46. Special Members Meeting 09/12/2023
  47. Special Members Meeting 16/12/2023
  48. Special Members Meeting 23/12/2023
  49. General Meeting 06/01/2024
  50. General Meeting 03/02/2024
  51. AGM 02/03/2024
  52. General Meeting 04/05/2024
  53. General Meeting 01/06/2024
  54. Special Members Meeting 20/07/2024
  55. General Meeting 03/08/2024
  56. General Meeting 07/09/2024
  57. General Meeting 05/10/2024



General Meeting 05/10/2024

Meeting Open: 10:30am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Peter Bacon, Patrick Dumapit, Wayne Edworthy, Terry Joachim, Pereri Kingi, John Livingstone, Edmond Odishoo, Enrique Ramos, Bob Williams.

Guest: Freddie Naylor



1.) Darren Kassis welcomed a new member Trevor Bragg (Who was unfortunately unable to be there on the day) and also guest player Freddie Naylor (Who was present on the day) who plans to join the club in the new year. It’s great to see new members joining.

2.) Darren Kassis asked all members present on the day, if they have any suggestions for the Christmas Funday. If there were any things they want added or removed from the standard food etc that we get. Darren asked them to think about it and if they have any suggestions to let him know.

3.) Bob Williams mentioned that the following week will be the first round of the Club Championship.

Meeting Closed: 10:35am



General Meeting 07/09/2024

Meeting Open: 10:44am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Peter Bacon, Percy Bautista, Patrick Dumapit, Brett Gilzean, John Glynn, Kennith Ibbett, Pereri Kingi, John Livingstone, Damian Quain, Enrique Ramos, Bob Williams.

Apologies: Edmond Odishoo


1.) Darren Kassis congratulated Darren Kassis and Peter Bacon for winning the Foursomes Championship.

2.) Darren Kassis mentioned that he had informally asked members the week prior (31/08/2024) if members wanted to continue being issued Bag Tags or whether they would like to stop us purchasing them. Members were asked to think about it and we would discuss the matter at the general meeting to be held 07/09/2024

The discussion was formally opened and Darren called for a formal vote. The result was unanimous that all members present on the day chose to no longer incur the expense of ordering bag tags.

Darren asked if members would like to get something else in place of the bag tags, Patrick Dumapit suggested a Sefton Hat. Peter Bacon said we had caps made years ago and no one wore them. Most members said they wouldn’t wear it so that suggestion was not adopted.

3.) Darren Kassis asked Bob Williams if he is prepared to use his golf cart to take out all the nearest to the pin markers prior to the game, to stop the first group from needing to remember to put them out? Bob Williams said he is happy to put them out if reminded.

Peter Bacon said that with the club saving money on the bag tags, could we give Bob Williams a discount on his game for putting the NTP’s out. Before this was discussed Bob Williams said no he was not interested in a discount for helping out. Bob was thanked for accepting this responsibility and helping out.

4.) Damian Quain said that we should mention the interest on the bank accounts that Darren Kassis was discussing with Damian earlier in the day.

Darren mentioned that with the new structure of the bank accounts being implemented. The club made more money in interest for a single month, than what was made for the entire 2023 year.

Darren mentioned that there would be occasional months where the interest may not be awarded if large expenses are needed. For example purchasing Golf Balls, Trophies or Christmas Fun Day, but even with missing a few the amount gained by the club would be a substantial increase and that everyone made the right decision in voting to restructure the accounts.

Meeting closed 10:52am



General Meeting 03/08/2024

Meeting Open: 10:53am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Peter Bacon, Percy Bautista, Patrick Dumapit, Brett Gilzean, Terry Joachim, Pereri Kingi, John Livingstone, Edmond Odishoo, Enrique Ramos, Bob Williams.

Apologies: Damian Quain


1.) Darren Kassis mentioned that he has informally spoken to everyone but was making it formal in the committee minutes that the yearly membership fees would be due in full by the end of January. There would not be 2 installations at 6 monthly intervals.

Darren said that members are welcome to pay any amounts throughout the year that they like, but the total balance is due by the end of January. Darren gave the example that Peter Bacon has been not collecting his winnings and just puts that towards the next fees payment.

Darren said that throughout the year, each payment made to him regardless of the amount, Darren will send you a text message of the amount you paid and the current balance so both will have an easy reference.

2.) Darren Kassis reminded everyone that next week will be the first round of the Foursomes Championship and recommended people try to tee up their partners asap but also are welcome to show up on the day and still try to team up.

Meeting closed 10:57am



Special Members Meeting 20/07/2024

Meeting Open: 6:40am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Peter Bacon, Percy Bautista, Patrick Dumapit, Wayne Edworthy, Brett Gilzean, Pereri Kingi, John Livingstone, Damian Quain, Enrique Ramos, Bob Williams.



1.) Darren Kassis called a Special Members Meeting prior to the game play to discuss the current and proposed financial structure of the club.

Darren explained that the current bank account is a 2 person to sign account and therefore limits flexibility on how the money can be managed. Darren said that in the past this was a good structure but with the current situation he believed a different structure would be more beneficial to the club.

Darren proposed that he would be removing David J Maytom and Geoffrey M Kelleher from the account. As well as converting the account to a single signatory account only. This will leave Darren Kassis as the only signatory on the account until such time that Damian Quain is added. Darren would then add Damian Quain (When he is available) as well so that they could both manage the account.

By doing this new structure it will also allow Darren to open a savings account and transfer a large portion of the funds into the savings account and leave a smaller percentage of money in the primary account for expenses. This would allow the club to benefit by accruing interest on the funds rather than the fees cancelling out the interest.

Darren asked the members present on the day if anyone had any objections to restructuring the clubs finances, no one objected.

Darren called an official vote by show of hands, asking “Who is in favour of the proposed plan for Darren Kassis to open a new single signature account, and close the existing account”

The vote was unanimously in favour of implementing the new plan for the clubs accounts.

Meeting closed 6:45am



General Meeting 01/06/2024

Meeting Open: 10:47am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Peter Bacon, Percy Bautista, Patrick Dumapit, Wayne Edworthy, Brett Gilzean, Kennith Ibbett, Terry Joachim, Pereri Kingi, John Livingstone, Edmond Odishoo, Damian Quain, Enrique Ramos, Bob Williams.


General Business:

1.) Darren Kassis congratulated Brett Gilzean & John Livingstone for winning the 2B AGG Championship as well as the monthly medals on the day.

2.) Bob Williams asked for a ruling on an issue that occurred during the round. The issue was that a player played the wrong ball, Darren said he had already spoken to the players involved and the decision that was made was correct. “If you play someone else’s ball in a Stroke or Stableford round it’s a 2 shot penalty and you go back and continue from your original ball.” Darren also mentioned “Bear in mind this does differ depending on the game played, for instance in Matchplay it’s a loss of hole penalty.”

3.) Darren Kassis also clarified another rule about practice swings and accidentally hitting your ball. Darren said that “If you are on the green or on the tee and you accidentally make contact with your ball, you replace the ball where it was with no penalty. However if you are Anywhere other than the green or tee (Eg fairway or rough etc) you must replace the ball and this incurs a 1 stroke penalty.

4.) Darren Kassis mentioned that it’s the 1st of June and the second half of memberships are due by the end of the month. The preferred method is direct deposit into the clubs account and must be paid before the end of the month.

5.) John Livingstone asked about the height of the swale and if you can move your ball. Darren Kassis said that if you go in the swale you have 2 club lengths from the entry point, or nearest point of relief no closer to the hole if your ball is found. But if you land just before it you do not get relief. It’s classed like any other obstacle on the course.

Meeting closed: 10:53am



General Meeting 04/05/2024

Meeting Open: 10:31am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Peter Bacon, Percy Bautista, Patrick Dumapit, Wayne Edworthy, Brett Gilzean, Pereri Kingi, John Livingstone, Damian Quain, Enrique Ramos, Bob Williams.


General Business:

1.) Darren Kassis read out the committee minutes from 13/05/2023 where Team Championship procedures had been discussed. Darren explained that following that procedure would mean that there would be a chance for a swinger and if someone was a swinger in the first round there would not be a chance for an additional swinger for the rest of the Championship.

Darren Kassis said that he strongly disagreed with having a swinger in a Championship because that means they get 2 chances. Especially in the Foursomes Championship because they are playing additional shots to other players.

Bob Williams & Brett Gilzean said if there is a swinger in the first round but then an additional person attends round 2 then they could pair up with the unmatched member in the first round. Darren Kassis said yes but the reason he doesn’t like that is because if the member that arrived for round 2 then doesn’t turn up for round 3 then the player that was there for the first 2 rounds has played 2 rounds but with different people and therefore is not in the Championship. Plus this still means a swinger was used.

Brett Gilzean suggested that for the Aggregate only, we allow a swinger but the swinger is only eligible for the Championship with their primary partner, but the secondary partner can still win.

Darren Kassis said that because it is an Aggregate Championship and no additional shots are played then this could potentially be an option but definitely not for Foursomes because there would be an advantage.

Damian Quain said in a Foursomes game they could have 2 putts from the same spot for example, which would be a massive advantage.

Darren Kassis said that his personal view is that there should be no swingers in a Championship at all. Unfortunately if someone does not have a partner then they will just play a fun round or they can choose to not play. Darren doesn’t want someone to miss out but it’s not fair to have a swinger.

Bob Williams suggested that if there was an extra player at the Aggregate Championship, then they could play with a swinger but only for the daily prize, not for the Championship. That way they are still playing for the prize money. Everyone liked this idea as there was no advantage gained for anyone.

Peter Bacon said that he would like to see a roster in place that if someone missed out that year, they would not miss out the next year and someone else would be made to miss out.

Darren Kassis said while he agrees it’s not fair for them to miss out more than once, it’s also not fair to break up teams and mandate who misses out. Darren said In theory he would like to see someone put their hand up and volunteer to do this by making it mandatory won’t work.

A verbal vote was held and everyone agreed to the suggestion made by Bob Williams where the swinger would be used for the Aggregate but only for the daily prize not the Championship. The swinger would have to declare who their primary partner is prior to tee off. As for Foursomes there would be no swingers allowed.

Bob Williams said the advantage of this is that because they know they are still playing for something, then they will turn up and also possibly find a partner for the next 2 rounds.

Damian Quain asked what would happened if Player A plays with Player B in round one, but Player B doesn’t turn up for round 2 and Player A plays with Player C. But then round 3 Players A, B & C are all there? Darren Kassis said they would not be able to play as the swinger and they would not be able to choose who they went better with. They would have to play with their initial Primary partner from round 1.

2.) Darren Kassis mentioned that it’s a best 2/3 round Championship. So even if members think they are out of contention they should check with Darren before leaving the course on the 3rd round. If there is a tie, the playoff will be played immediately at the completion of the 3rd round. If players in contention have left and are not reachable to return within a very short time (5-10mins) they would forfeit their chance at the playoff.

Meeting closed: 10:46am






Attendance: Darren Kassis, Peter Bacon, Percy Bautista, Patrick Dumapit, Brett Gilzean, John Glynn, Kennith Ibbett, Terry Joachim, Pereri Kingi, John Livingstone, Damian Quain, Enrique Ramos & Bob Williams.

Apologies: Geoffrey Kelleher & Wayne Edworthy

ADOPTION OF MINUTES 2023 AGM: Moved by: Peter Bacon. Seconded by: Damian Quain — Accepted

TREASURER`S REPORT: Moved by: Kennith Ibbett. Seconded by: Enrique Ramos — Accepted

CAPTAIN`S REPORT: Moved by: Brett Gilzean. Seconded by: Kennith Ibbett —Accepted


2 proposals. Proposed by Enrique Ramos. Seconded by Darren Kassis. Proposed by Patrick Dumapit. Seconded by Darren Kassis.
Damian Quain accepted and was elected unopposed.

Proposed by Peter Bacon. Seconded by Wayne Edworthy.
Darren Kassis accepted and was elected unopposed.

Proposed by Percy Bautista. Seconded by Peter Bacon.
Darren Kassis accepted and was elected unopposed.

Proposed by Brett Gilzean. Seconded by Darren Kassis.
John Livingstone accepted and was elected unopposed.

Proposed by John Livingstone. Seconded by Patrick Dumapit. Brett Gilzean accepted and was elected unopposed.

Proposed by Darren Kassis. Seconded by John Livingstone.
Geoffrey Kelleher accepted and was elected unopposed.

Proposed by Bob Williams. Seconded by Brett Gilzean.
Darren Kassis accepted and was Elected unopposed.

Proposed by Darren Kassis. Seconded by Enrique Ramos.
Kennith Ibbett accepted and was elected unopposed.

All accepted and were elected.



Darren Kassis said it’s great to see new members like Patrick Dumapit, also welcoming back Bob Williams & asked members to please invite any potential new members to join.

Darren also thanked Brett Gilzean for helping with the morning setup, John Livingstone for the BBQ setup, Kennith Ibbett for catering the BBQ, all the cooks for cooking the BBQ, Damian Quain for all the help he gives the club, anyone that has helped in any way and everyone that is there supporting the club. We don’t have a club without members.

Darren also wished Damian Quain and Wayne Edworthy good luck for the Matchplay final next week.

Meeting Closed: 10:41am 



General Meeting 03/02/2024

Meeting Open: 11:27am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Peter Bacon, Percy Bautista, Patrick Dumapit, Brett Gilzean, John Glynn, Terry Joachim, John Livingstone, Damian Quain, Enrique Ramos, Bob Williams.

Apologies: Edmond Odishoo

General Business:

1.) Darren thanked all members present on the day for paying their fees before the cutoff. He reminded them that the second half will be due by the end of June.

2.) Peter Bacon raised a question, “If a member wins money on the day, can they just use that to pay off part of their membership?” Darren said yes of course. Darren will have you sign the collection book and will send you a text message confirming that amount has been put towards your membership.

3.) Darren Kassis mentioned that at the beginning of the 1st round of the Matchplay championship, the handicaps of those who are competing will be frozen for the duration of the championship.

Meeting closed: 11:31am



General Meeting 06/01/2024

Meeting Open: 10:05am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Edwin Arabit, Peter Bacon, Patrick Dumapit, Wayne Edworthy, Brett Gilzean, John Glynn, Kennith Ibbett, Terry Joachim, Pereri Kingi, John Livingstone, Damian Quain, Enrique Ramos, Bob Williams.

General Business:

1.) Darren Kassis welcomed everyone back for the new year and welcomed back Bob Williams as a returning member. Also Darren welcomed Patrick Dumapit as a new member who joined today.

2.) Darren Kassis mentioned that it’s now January and membership fees are due by the end of January and asked members to complete the form and return it to Darren. The preferred method of payment is direct deposit into the golf club account.

3.) Darren Kassis congratulated John Glynn for winning the half eagles nest (9th hole) on the Christmas Funday.

4.) Wayne Edworthy mentioned that Kennith Ibbett will not be present for the Matchplay Qualifying round. Wayne asked if we have any available spots in the draw, can Kennith be offered a spot. This would be extended to all members not available on the qualifying round if there were any free spots.

Darren Kassis referred to the committee minutes 04/02/23 which mentioned “With less than 16 players qualifying, this meant any member that turned up on the day of qualification, but didn’t play would still be offered a position. David Maytom was the only non playing member present but declined to participate in the Matchplay.” But Darren said he was happy to take a vote on the matter.

John Livingstone raised a point that what if we hypothetically had 15 Qualified and 2 extra turned up on the first round. Being that we need 16 maximum, how would we determine who gets the position?

Methods that were suggested were Putt-offs & Chip-offs, Enrique Ramos suggested the more regular players got priority over less frequent players.

Darren Kassis said that comparing the amount of games each person has played could be time consuming and Darren didn’t believe it’s fair to have a skill based method (Such as Chip-off or Putt-off) to determine the position. Darren said that he believed the only fair method would be a random selection such as a coin toss or the method of throwing multiple golf balls simultaneously at an object and the closest number required to the object were awarded positions.

Peter Bacon said that with all the confusion he believes if you are not present for qualifying, then you don’t qualify.

The vote was held and Darren asked “Who is in favour of allowing members who are not present on the qualifying round, to be awarded a spot if there are vacancies?”

The majority of members voted yes to allow this. So the motion was carried. Darren asked if anyone could think of a more fairer way to determine the outcome rather than his ball throw method. Everyone agreed that would be the most fairest way to decide so it was decided that would be the method used.

Peter Bacon said that with recent numbers perhaps we don’t need a qualifying round and could we get rid of it. Darren said this would not work for 2 reasons. Firstly there is a very possible chance that we could have more than 16 on the day. Secondly the qualifying round determines the position that everyone finishes and dictates the draw for the first round so the qualifying round is essential.

Meeting closed 10:43am



Special Members Meeting 23/12/2023

Meeting Open 10am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Edwin Arabit, Peter Bacon,  Wayne Edworthy, Brett Gilzean, John Glynn, Wayne Hampton, Kennith Ibbett, Terry Joachim, Pereri Kingi, John Livingstone, Damian Quain, Enrique Ramos, John Watts, Bob Williams.


A vote was held to determine if we should keep the “No Preferred Lies” rule or amend it. Options were

A) No Preferred Lies

B) Yes but not in medal rounds or championships

C) Yes including medal rounds but not championships

The majority of votes went to option A so no preferred lies will be played unless the course dictates we must or an unforeseen event occurs. Aside from these, another vote on the subject won’t be heard until at least January 2025.

Meeting closed: 10:15am



Special Members Meeting 16/12/2023

Meeting Open 6:20am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Peter Bacon, Percy Bautista, Wayne Edworthy, Brett Gilzean, Kennith Ibbett, Terry Joachim, Pereri Kingi, John Livingstone, Edmond Odishoo, Damian Quain, Enrique Ramos.


1.) Darren Kassis asked all members present on the day, to choose between two methods of doing a countback.

Option A – Golf Australia’s recommended method which is

Add the last nine (9) holes, If no outright result then:-
Add the last six (6) holes, If no outright result then:-
Add the last three (3) holes, If no outright result then:-
Take last hole, If no outright result then:-
Continue Hole-by-Hole working backwards from the 18th Hole.


Option B –

Add the last nine (9) holes, If no outright result then:-
Add the last six (6) holes, If no outright result then:-
Add the last three (3) holes, If no outright result then:-
Take last hole, If no outright result then:-
Add the last six (6) holes of the front nine, If no outright result then:-
Add the last three (3) holes of the front nine, if no outright result then:-
Take the 9th hole


The members agreed that Option A is the most efficient and fair way.

Meeting Closed 6:25am



Special Members Meeting 09/12/2023

Meeting Open 6:25am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Peter Bacon, Wayne Edworthy, Brett Gilzean, Kennith Ibbett, Terry Joachim, Pereri Kingi, John Livingstone, Damian Quain, Enrique Ramos.


1.) Darren Kassis asked all members present on the day, whether they would prefer the Christmas Funday & Yearly presentation to be done on the Saturday prior to Christmas (eg 23/12/2023) or move it earlier one week so it’s not so close to Christmas Day.

All members present either voted for the closest Saturday to Christmas or they didn’t have a preference either way.

This means going forward, the Christmas Funday and Presentation will be held on the closest Saturday prior to Christmas Day. ***The only exceptions to this is if it happens to fall on Christmas Eve it will be moved one week earlier. Also if it happens to be that Christmas Day is a Saturday, the course will be closed so also will be one week earlier.***

Meeting Closed: 6:30am



General Meeting 02/12/2023

Meeting Open: 10:16am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Peter Bacon, Wayne Edworthy, Brett Gilzean, John Glynn, Kennith Ibbett, Terry Joachim, Pereri Kingi, John Livingstone, Damian Quain, Enrique Ramos.

General Business:

1.) Darren Kassis mentioned that the end of the year has arrived and that memberships will be due by the end of January 2024. Members can pay half yearly or the full year in one. Darren mentioned that the preferred method is a direct transfer into the clubs bank account but if that wasn’t convenient then they can pay Darren via cash or cheque.

2.) Darren Kassis mentioned that the Christmas funday will be going ahead as planned and will be the presentation day as well.

Meeting closed 10:20am




General Meeting 04/11/2023

Meeting Open: 10:25am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Edwin Arabit, Peter Bacon, Wayne Edworthy, Brett Gilzean, Kennith Ibbett, Pereri Kingi, John Livingstone & Edmond Odishoo.

Apologies: Damian Quain

General Business:

1.) Darren Kassis congratulated the winners of the club championships, which were.

Club Champion – Wayne Edworthy

A Grade Scratch – Wayne Edworthy

A Grade Net – Darren Kassis

B Grade Scratch – Pereri Kingi

B Grade Net – Pereri Kingi

2.) Darren mentioned an instance that arose during the match and explained that as there are no markings near the handrail that is along side the 17th tee. The handrail begins after the mesh fence and is there to stop people from walking into the dangerous area. The handrail is to be classed as an immovable object and if it interferes with your swing (not line of sight) a free drop may be taken.

3.) Darren mentioned that the season had ended and the Player Of The Year and all other statistics were starting as of that match. Also Darren reminded members that the presentation will be held on the Christmas Funday.

Meeting closed: 10:35am




General Meeting 07/10/2023

Meeting Open: 10:19am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Peter Bacon, Percy Bautista, Wayne Edworthy, Brett Gilzean, John Glynn,  Kennith Ibbett, Terry Joachim, John Livingstone &  Enrique Ramos.

Apologies: Damian Quain

General Business:

1.) In July, Darren Kassis suggested to postpone the Club Championship by one week. This was suggested for 2 reasons.

Firstly that the previous way had the first round being played during school holidays where some members are away.

Secondly the previous structure had the final round being played on the 4th week of October which would be a standard round. Many members leave the course once they complete their round and won’t be around to congratulate the winner and also the runner up for an amazing effort throughout the championship.

Monthly Medals, most if not all players stay for the BBQ and awards. Darren said that if we structure the tournament so that the final round is played on the November Medal Day, which means the first round may change between the 2nd & 3rd weeks in October, (depending on if there are 4 or 5 Saturdays in that year in October). Then a larger field will be around to congratulate the finalists.

All member agreed that this was a good suggestion and the Championship will be altered to this method starting with the 2023 Club Championship.

In this meeting Wayne Edworthy asked if this meant that the finalists would be in the final group on the final round. Darren Kassis replied, Yes so we can all be there as the match has ended.

2.) Darren Kassis Thanked Brett Gilzean & anyone that helped Brett to organise the club while Darren was away for 7 weeks on holiday, they did a great job keeping everything going.

3.) Darren Kassis addressed the parking situation, where we have been asked not to park down the bottom and to only use the top car park. No signage will be put up and the gates will be left open to make it easier for members to drop things off for the BBQ etc as long as they then return their vehicle to the top car park after unloading. All members agreed to follow this request made by the course staff.

4.) Lastly Darren Kassis mentioned that since member numbers have reduced, having a designated presentation night at the 3 Swallows Hotel is not a viable option financially and suggested that from now on we continue what we did in 2022 which was to hold the presentation on the Christmas Funday. Darren explained how the Christmas Funday, is a day to give back to all members and thank them for supporting the club and would be an ideal day to host the yearly presentation as well. All members current on the day, agreed to this and moving forward for the foreseeable future, the yearly presentation will be conducted on the Christmas Funday at the completion of the round at the course.

Meeting closed 10:25am



General Meeting 01/07/2023

Meeting Open: 10:36am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Peter Bacon, Percy Bautista, Brett Gilzean, Kennith Ibbett, Terry Joachim, Pereri Kingi, John Livingstone, Damian Quain, Enrique Ramos.

General Business:

  • Darren Kassis asked all members present on the day, whether they are happy for visitors to be in the comp and eligible to win the money and nearest to the pins. Darren said that if a player does not have an official Golflink membership, they will not be eligible but is referring to members of other clubs with official handicaps.

All members present on the day voted that yes they feel visitors should be eligible to win the prizes and the visitors would only pay the same rate the members are paying. No extra cost would be incurred.

  • Terry Joachim at a general meeting held on the 5/11/2022 volunteered to permanently help with the BBQ cleanup. When reminded of this he said “That was a long time ago” Terry relinquished this offer and does not want to do the BBQ cleanup indefinitely.

There are members that put in a lot of work for the club and that’s very much appreciated. Everyone is expected to do their part. Helping with the BBQ clean up is a very simple and quick way you can do your part for the club so we would like to see people actually help out with this each month.

  • John Livingstone proposed a 3 man Ambrose if we got 9 players. This was something Darren Kassis had once suggested and explained that it would likely only be feasible if 9 players exactly were present on the day but it’s something we can definitely trial. Darren will look into the parameters on how it will work out.

Meeting closed 10:42am



General Meeting 03/06/2023

Meeting Open: 10:50am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Peter Bacon, Brett Gilzean, John Glynn, Kennith Ibbett, Terry Joachim, Malcolm Khoury, Pereri Kingi, John Livingstone, Damian Quain, Enrique Ramos, John Watts.

General Business:

  1. Darren Kassis said that it was brought to his attention by John Livingstone that morning. John won a voucher a few months ago and went to use it on the weekend. The sticker had not been scratched off and as always the receipt with the successful transaction was attached. However when he tried to use the voucher it said it had been redeemed.

He later went on to check the history and it had supposedly been used at Engadine. John had been nowhere near Engadine. This had happened once to Darren Kassis in the past as well. John spent an extremely long time on hold to sort the issue out only to be told the switchboard was closed for the day. It seems like there are scammers out there that are using unredeemed vouchers after some time.

Because of this, rather than insist that members use the voucher immediately, it was proposed that we award cash rather than a voucher. Darren asked all members present on the day if they were in favour of that and unanimously it was voted to swap to cash.

Darren said he would investigate and if there was no technical reason that cash can not be awarded, starting immediately, cash will replace the vouchers. If this does happen, a book will be supplied and members will sign to acknowledge receiving the money, this will allow a checklist for accounting purposes.

      2. Darren Kassis mentioned that it was at the time of the year where the deal offered in the torch for new members joining to only pay $200. Has now matched up with the sliding scale. So next month would be $175 etc.

Darren asked if members would firstly like to do the deal again next year and if so would returning members that had previously left the club also be included or only new members?

All members present on the day said they are happy to offer it to a member who had previously left the club and was coming back (not members financial in the previous year) and as for whether we run the special it will be discussed later in the year depending on our circumstances.

    3. Darren regretfully mentioned that Friday 2/6/23 (the day before this meeting) was sadly Bob Beck’s funeral. Bob was a well respected member of the club and received life membership status. Darren thanked the members that were able to attend on the day and we passed on condolences for members that were unable to make it. A special thank you goes to Damian Quain for getting up at the funeral and saying a heartfelt message on behalf of Sefton Golf Club. The family were very grateful to him and the members that showed their support either by being present or sending their best wishes and condolences.

Meeting Closed: 11:00am



Special Members Meeting 13/05/2023

Meeting open 6:32am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Peter Bacon, Percy Bautista, Wayne Edworthy, Brett Gilzean, Wayne Hampton, Kennith Ibbett, Malcolm Khoury, Pereri Kingi, John Livingstone, Edmond Odishoo, Damian Quain, Enrique Ramos, John Watts.


       1. Darren Kassis called this meeting to address the topic that was discussed on 6/5/23 and also to address the decision made on 10/9/22 that stated “To make it mandatory that all team championships going forward would mean that teams must be submitted prior to the game day” Darren Kassis said that enforcing this would likely mean that players that were unable to find a partner would not turn up and therefore reduce the numbers, where they may have been able to find a partner on the day. This was readdressed on the 04/05/2024 

       2. Peter Bacon said that he didn’t like the idea of a member missing out on a championship just because they didn’t have a partner.

       3. Darren Kassis asked all members present to consider the following options.

     • Enforce needing to allocate partners prior to the game day.

     • Eliminate the need to allocate partners but on the day, if a member does not find a partner they will be unable to play in the championship.

     • Eliminate the need to allocate partners and allow as a last resort a swinger, if numbers are uneven and no alternative scenario can be achieved.

       4. Unanimously it was decided to go with option 3. With no one objecting to a swinger if it was absolutely necessary however only one person would be a swinger on the day. A group of 2 would play to avoid multiple swingers (for example 9 players would be 2, 4 & 3) This was readdressed on the 04/05/2024 

       5. As previously discussed, groups of 2 would be allowed in championships if it was unavoidable taking into account everything mentioned earlier in this meeting. Previously it was stipulated that the group of 2 must play as the first group.

       6. Damian Quain expressed a concern that, hypothetically, what if we had 8 players and the first team of four had already teed off and a 9th player arrived which leaves 6 players. Would there be 2 swingers or allow a group of 2 to go last. Because of this the previous ruling was amended to be that groups of two would only be allowed in championships to avoid multiple swingers and the group of 2 must play at the earliest possible time slot. (Meaning if the numbers are finalised and it’s known prior to any tee off they will be first to tee off, if it’s determined after the first tee off they will be second and so forth).

       7. Lastly Darren Kassis reminded all members that this is a 3 round championship, where the best 2 out of 3 rounds will be combined to make their final score. The final scores will be determined at the end of the game on the third day and if a playoff is required it will be done immediately after the third round and that members should stay to determine if they are in the playoff or not. Any members that leave the course may forfeit their right to a playoff and concede the championship.

Meeting closed 6:37am



General Meeting 06/05/2023

Meeting Open: 10:58am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Peter Bacon, Percy Bautista, Brett Gilzean, Kennith Ibbett, Terry Joachim, Malcolm Khoury, Pereri Kingi, John Watts, Damian Quain, Enrique Ramos, David Maytom.

Apologies: Edmond Odishoo

General Business:

       1. Darren Kassis mentioned that although we have a rake and place policy, all members should still take the bunkers after their play.

       2. Darren Kassis mentioned that with him going on holidays and missing the August & September medal. Darren proposed that the BBQ and medal days go ahead as planned however the month’s presentations to be held off till his return. There were no objections to this.

       3. Enrique Ramos asked if we would be running the 2B Agg championship as planned even if the bridge is not completed and we are only able to play the front 9 holes twice. Darren Kassis replied that he would like to avoid changing the schedule as much as possible. Last year saw 6 schedule changes and the indecision is not ideal. Even if the front 9 holes are to be played twice, everyone is still in the same situation and therefore no advantage or disadvantage is achieved. The question was posed to all members present on the day and no one voted to adjust the schedule so the championship will go ahead as planned.

       4. Enrique Ramos also raised the question of what will be done in the event of needing swingers for the championship. Darren Kassis said that every option will be taken to avoid having swingers for instance someone may miss out and just play a round for fun but unfortunately sometimes a swinger is necessary. This was readdressed on the 13/5/23

Meeting Closed: 11:14am



General Meeting 01/04/2023

Meeting Open: 10:23am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Geoffrey Kelleher, Peter Bacon, Percy Bautista, Kevan Brake, Brett Gilzean, Kennith Ibbett, Terry Joachim, Malcolm Khoury, Pereri Kingi, John Watts, Damian Quain, Enrique Ramos, David Maytom.

General Business:

        1. Darren Kassis mentioned that the prize structure agreed upon at the previous meeting would also be adapted to teams events and will be as follows

Ambrose or Foursomes

12+ Players = 2x $40 Vouchers

8-11 Players = 2x $20 Vouchers

6-7 Players = 2x $10 Voucher

5 Players = 3x balls each

4 Players or less = 2 balls each

        2. Geoffrey Kelleher mentioned that at some point we may need to readdress the current green fees. The daily fees have been the same for 2 years but the course has upped the price multiple times. That being said the club finances are in good condition and the club is not in trouble by any means.

        3. A joke was made that we could play a round for the remaining money in the bank. So it was discussed that as per the rules if the club were to fold, any remaining finances are to be donated to charity.

        4. Geoffrey Kelleher once again thanked Darren Kassis for taking over Geoffrey’s responsibilities and said Darren has done an amazing job and he has no doubt he will continue to do an amazing job. Geoffrey also hopes he will still be able to come visit and play a round with the club.

Meeting Closed: 10:36am






Attendance: Darren Kassis, Geoffrey Kelleher, Damian Quain, Wayne Edworthy, Peter Bacon, Kevan Brake, Enrique Ramos, John Watts, John Glynn, Pereri Kingi, Brett Gilzean, Kennith Ibbett, Terry Joachim, Wayne Hampton, John Livingstone & David Maytom.

Apologies: None

ADOPTION OF MINUTES 2021 AGM: Moved by: Darren Kassis. Seconded by: David Maytom — Carried

PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Moved by: Peter Bacon. Seconded by: Darren Kassis — Accepted

SECRETARY`S REPORT: Moved by: Kennith Ibbett. Seconded by: Damian Quain — Accepted

TREASURER`S REPORT: Moved by: Pereri Kingi. Seconded by: David Maytom — Accepted

CAPTAIN`S REPORT: Moved by: Darren Kassis. Seconded by: David Maytom —Accepted


NOMINATIONS FOR PRESIDENT: Damian Quain. Proposed by Geoffrey Kelleher. Seconded by Darren Kassis. Damian Quain accepted and was elected unopposed

NOMINATIONS FOR CAPTAIN & TREASURER: Darren Kassis. Proposed by Geoffrey Kelleher. Seconded by Damian Quain. Darren Kassis accepted and was elected unopposed

NOMINATIONS FOR SECRETARY: Brett Gilzean. Proposed by John Livingstone. Seconded by Darren Kassis. Brett Gilzean accepted and was elected unopposed.

NOMINATIONS FOR VICE CAPTAIN: John Livingstone. Proposed by Brett Gilzean. Seconded by Darren Kassis. John Livingstone accepted and was elected unopposed

NOMINATIONS FOR ASSISTANT SECRETARY & ASSISTANT TREASURER: Geoffrey Kelleher. Proposed by Pereri Kingi. Seconded by Peter Bacon. Geoffrey Kelleher accepted and was elected unopposed

NOMINATIONS FOR SCORECARD SCRUTINEER: Darren Kassis was Elected unopposed

NOMINATIONS FOR CATERER: Kennith Ibbett. Proposed by Darren Kassis. Seconded by Geoffrey Kelleher. Kennith Ibbett accepted and was elected unopposed

NOMINATIONS FOR GENERAL COMMITTEE: Peter Bacon, David Maytom & Wayne Hampton. All accepted and were elected.



        1. With the inconsistency of member numbers. It’s becoming necessary to put into place a sliding scale for the winners reward based on numbers.

Darren Kassis has proposed the following scale so that there is no confusion on the day.

12+ Players = 2x $40 Vouchers

8-11 Players = 1x $40 Voucher

6-7 Players  = 1x $20 Voucher

5 Players = 2x balls

4 Players or less = 1 ball

This will allow the club to suffer minimal damage while still offering something to play for.

David Maytom suggested for the 8-11 player scenario, a voucher for first being A or B grade and whichever grade does not come first then the winner of that grade receives a couple of balls instead. Darren Kassis then proposed 2x $20 vouchers instead. This was accepted by all and the list was amended as well as an increase on ball allocation. The new structure is as follows.

12+ Players = 2x $40 Vouchers

8-11 Players = 2x $20 Vouchers

6-7 Players  = 1x $20 Voucher

5 Players = 3x balls

4 Players or less = 2 balls

This was accepted and will be in place as of 11/3/2023.

        2. Geoffrey Kelleher said that he is staying on as Assistant Secretary & Assistant Treasurer to lighten the load for Darren Kassis and hopes that members will step in and do their part to help as well. After a long time serving the club he will be stepping down and giving control of the Treasurer position to Darren Kassis. 

No further business

Meeting closed 11:10am



General Meeting 04/02/2023

Meeting Open: 10:21am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Geoffrey Kelleher, Damian Quain, Wayne Edworthy, Peter Bacon, Enrique Ramos, Pereri Kingi, Brett Gilzean, John Glynn, John Livingstone, David Maytom.

Apologies: Terry Joachim

General Business:

       1. With the first round having 6 players having a bye, the prizes on the day will depend on turn out.

       2. Geoffrey Kelleher mentioned that if any members have not paid their fees that will be due before the game next week as it is a Championship round and all participants must be financial.

3. With less than 16 players qualifying, this meant any member that turned up on the day of qualification, but didn’t play would still be offered a position. David Maytom was the only non playing member present but declined to participate in the Matchplay.

Meeting closed 10:30am



General Meeting 07/01/2023

Meeting Open: 10:18am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Geoffrey Kelleher, Damian Quain, Wayne Edworthy, Peter Bacon, Pereri Kingi, Brett Gilzean, Kennith Ibbett, Terry Joachim & John Livingstone.

General Business:

       1. Geoffrey Kelleher readdressed what was discussed at the last meeting about the deal that is being advertised in the paper for new memberships. Geoffrey also mentioned we will have a meeting with course management to discuss their involvement in helping us to spread the word and attract new members.

Meeting closed: 10:24am



General Meeting 03/12/2022

Meeting Open: 10:15am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Geoffrey Kelleher, Damian Quain, Wayne Edworthy, Peter Bacon, Enrique Ramos, John Watts, Sam Melham, Pereri Kingi, Brett Gilzean, Kennith Ibbett, Terry Joachim.

Apologies: John Livingstone

General Business:

       1. Congratulations to John Glynn and Samuel Melham who won the Norm Brooks 2B Agg Championship.

       2. Congratulations to Samuel Melham for winning the Matchplay Championship.

       3. Reiterated that we will be doing the presentation for last year on this years Christmas Fun Day. If by chance, this years are ready as well then both years will be done. If not the this year’s presentation will be done at next years AGM.

       4. The 2023 AGM will be the final game that  Geoffrey Kelleher will be present as he will be moving to Queensland but still hopes to be involved in the club from a distance.

       5. Terry Joachim proposed an incentive for the staff at the course. A monetary compensation for each member they get to sign up to our club.

       6. Peter Bacon & Damian Quain also suggested speaking to the St Marks group and offering for them to play with our group when they are available. Damian Quain will also look into advertising on social media.

       7. Geoffrey Kelleher suggested a reduced joining fee for NEW members to be advertised for a limited time for only $200. Darren Kassis will add this in the torch report.

Meeting closed: 10:35am



General Meeting 05/11/2022

Meeting Open: 10:21am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Geoffrey Kelleher, John Watts, Sam Melham, John Glynn, Brett Gilzean, John Livingstone, Kevan Brake, Kennith Ibbett, Terry Joachim and Malcolm Khoury.

Apologies: Damian Quain, Wayne Edworthy, Peter Bacon and Enrique Ramos.

General Business.

       1. Geoffrey Kelleher mentioned that a few members have requested to move the Christmas funday from 24th December to the 17th December because of Christmas Eve. It was unanimously voted in favour of and with no opposed vote the motion was passed.

       2. After the disappointing result at our last meeting, the issue of BBQ’s was brought up again. Terry Joachim has permanently offered to help with cleanup every month which consists of cleaning the hot plates and surroundings, cleaning the utensils and putting them away and ensuring any unused perishable products are returned to Geoffrey or someone willing to take them home and store them till the next BBQ. At the conclusion of the meeting, Kennith Ibbett volunteered to handle all the utensils and get them up to a standard we would like. He will then continue to maintain this standard and insure all perishables are looked after.

       3. It was announced that John Watts defeated Malcolm Khoury in the Matchplay and Samuel Melham proceeds to verse John Watts because Wayne Hampton was unable to play and forfeited his match with Samuel.

       4. It was discussed that we will plan to do last year’s presentation on the Christmas funday and this years presentation early next year.

       5. Geoffrey mentioned that at the end of this year he will likely be leaving the club. Geoffrey mentioned that he had stepped back this year and let Darren Kassis take over most of the duties that he does so Darren will be ready to take over. Geoffrey thanked Darren for all the effort he has put in and asked that members offer to give him a hand with whatever they can.

       6. Lastly Geoffrey asked that members try to promote the club to get new joiners.

Meeting Closed: 10:41am



General Meeting 01/10/2022

Meeting open 10:25am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Geoffrey Kelleher, Peter Bacon, Kevan Brake, Wayne Edworthy, Brett Gilzean, John Glynn, Terry Joachim, Pereri Kingi, John Livingstone, Samuel Melham & Enrique Ramos.

General Business

Geoffrey Kelleher address the ongoing issue that we are not receiving help for BBQ cleanup. He mentioned that the utensils weren’t even cleaned after the last months BBQ and still had food on them.

No care at all has been taken, things are not cleaned, butter has been misplaced and lost, another butter was simply placed in the cupboard to go rotten.

It was mentioned that Peter Bacon buys all of the groceries for the BBQ and the guys in the first group (usually Damian Quain, Wayne Edworthy, Peter Bacon & Enrique Ramos) do all the cooking. Kevan Brake has helped with the cleanup at every BBQ we have had (at least the last 12 months or so)

Darren Kassis mentioned that it doesn’t have to be 1 person or two people. If everyone did 2 mins worth to help it would be done.

Geoffrey Kelleher said that if we don’t get some help we won’t do the BBQ and asked for peoples input. There was no enthusiasm at all and no one offered to help.

It’s worth noting that 3 members were over in their corner chatting amongst themselves through the entire meeting. They were called out specifically and still gave no input.

This was very disappointing to see. Some member put in a huge amount of their time and energy to keep the club running and others don’t care at all.

Because of this. BBQ’s have been discontinued indefinitely.

Meeting closed 10:45am



General Meeting 10/09/2022

Meeting open 10:35am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Geoffrey Kelleher, Peter Bacon, Kevan Brake, Brett Gilzean, John Livingstone, Damian Quain & Enrique Ramos.

Pereri Kingi left early, injured

General business:

      1. Geoffrey Kelleher addressed the vote that occurred on 4/12/21 and mentioned that in that vote, the decision meant that swingers were allowed in championships. Geoffrey then mentioned the concern that was expressed by a couple of members on the day that was scheduled to be the first round of the foursomes championship.

Following the guidelines of the vote that was passed meant that the game played saw 3 swingers, meaning 3 members got 2 chances at the championship. So it was decided by all on that day to make that game Null and Void and to make it mandatory that all team championships going forward would mean that teams must be submitted prior to the game day (for example Wednesday) (THIS WAS REVISED AND AMENDED 13/5/23)

Peter Bacon raised a concern that if two teams are established prior to the day of the game and on that day, 1 member doesn’t turn up from each team can the remaining 2 team up? The answer was given that yes they can team up and if the situation occurred that an extra 2 people happened to be there on the day then they can also form a partnership but priority will be given to the submitted teams first and any extras not teamed up can play a game still just for practice.

Peter also asked that if there were hypothetically 11 members and that means 2 groups of four and a group of 2 in the championship with the 11th member playing a practice round along side the group of two is that allowed. The answer was yes because that 11th member is a marker for the team so it’s like a chaperone.

Geoffrey then also expressed his concern that what if we only have 10 members which is 5 teams. 2 groups of 4 and 1 group of 2. If we are not allowing groups of 2 then we have to turn away 2 members. With numbers being low lately that is the last thing we want to do.

Geoffrey made the suggestion that in this case we would have the group of 2 go off first because then they are finishing the round before the other teams and therefore will not have the chance to adjust their score to accommodate the other teams, where if they were playing last they would already know the other scores.

It was agreed that the first attempt would be made to have a member not play in the competition and simply play for fun to avoid a group of 2 if this was possible but if a group of two was unavoidable then they would be the first group to play. (THIS WAS REVISED AND AMENDED 13/5/23)

Geoffrey stressed that he did not believe it is an issue because all members can be trusted but this is not just about the members we currently have and this is looking forward as well, not just about now.

Geoffrey also gave background as to why this situation arose, stating that last year he received a call from Damian Quain asking if he and Wayne Edworthy could play a round on their own so they could finish early and get to family commitments. They were told yes because it’s not a championship round. But a couple of weeks later there was a misunderstanding because they believed they could do it again however this week was a championship round and therefore were told they couldn’t.

      2. The next matter addressed was that because of the weather there is a chance that the front 9 holes will be closed and only the back 9 will be open. Geoffrey asked if members were happy to play a championship round by playing the back 9 twice? No one objected to this.

      3. The next matter discussed was that currently the semi final of the match play is scheduled to be played 5/11/22 which is the November medal day. Because the medal day is played from the plates just like the match play is. It was asked if anyone has any objections to the members in the match play finals to also be eligible for the Monthly Medal. No one objected to this but it was suggested by Damian Quain and Darren Kassis that the member be given a choice if they want to participate in both. If they say yes they must complete every hole and cannot take a “Gimme” on a hole that is conceded due to match play. No one had any objections to this at all.

John Livingston volunteered to clean up at the next BBQ.

Meeting closed 11:15am



Special Members Meeting 20/08/2022

Meeting open 10:00am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Geoffrey Kelleher, Peter Bacon, Kevan Brake, Brett Gilzean, Kennith Ibbett, Terry Joachim, Pereri Kingi, John Livingstone, Samuel Melham, Enrique Ramos, John Glynn, Damian Quain & Wayne Edworthy.


On the day, scheduled to be Round 1 of the Foursomes Championship, 13 players turned up to play. Members offered to leave or sit out but due to the vote held on 4/12/21 which stated that groups of 2 would not be allowed in championship games and swingers would be used if needed. It was decided that a group of 4 would play followed by 3 groups of 3 to make up the 13 players.

All seemed to go well until roughly half way through when it was brought to Darren Kassis’s attention that some members felt it was unfair to have 3 swingers. Darren reminded them that the vote cast 4/12/21 was for that exact reason.

After a lengthy discussion it was decided that the round would be null and void and no scores from the day would be recorded, no winners (vouchers) would be awarded but the nearest to the pins would still be paid out. All members agreed this was a fair option and there was no rebuttal.

The following week was round one and all members were required to submit their partnership by Wednesday at the latest for that Saturday’s game.

It was also mentioned that the vote made on 4/12/21 will be readdressed at the next meeting and all points for and against will be heard.

Meeting closed 10:45am



Special Members Meeting 11/06/2022

With rakes being returned to the bunkers, Darren Kassis asked the groundskeeper (Kenny) if the pins can be removed as they used to be. Darren was given the go ahead and asked all members present on the day, whether they would like to revert back to the old method of allowing the pins to be removed. Unanimously everyone voted to revert back to having the ability to remove the pins.

This means that as of 18/6/2022 members have the option to remove the pin if they wish. If they choose to leave the pin in and the ball strikes the pin and remains outside of the cup, the ball is NOT Deemed to have been holed.

Members present on the day were as follows: Darren Kassis, Peter Bacon, Kevan Brake, Brett Gilzean, John Glynn, Kenny Ibbett, Malcolm Khoury, Pereri Kingi, John Livingstone & Damian Quain,



General Meeting 04/12/2021

Meeting open 10:00am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Geoffrey Kelleher, Peter Bacon, Kevan Brake, Brett Gilzean, Kennith Ibbett, Terry Joachim, Pereri Kingi, John Livingstone, Samuel Melham, Enrique Ramos & John Watts.

Apologies: David Maytom, Bob Williams, Wayne Hampton, Trent Glynn & Rodney Gilzean.

Left early on the day: Damian Quain & Wayne Edworthy.

General business:

The Morning before the game, Darren Kassis handed out a vote sheet that had options for members to vote on whether to allow groups of 2 to be played in games. The members were instructed to take the sheet and discuss it throughout the game and a formal discussion would be had after the game before the voting was conducted. The options were as follows

  1. Not at all (groups of 3 minimum and swingers where needed.
  2. Yes in all games including championships
  3. Yes in standard games but not in championships (swingers where needed)

Many members decided to cast their vote before the game was played.

The result of the vote. With a total of 21 votes being submitted, both from members on the day and also absent members voting by email before 10:00am 4/12/22 was as follows:

2 x Votes for Not at all

9 x Votes for Yes in all games

10 x Votes for yes in standard games but not in championships

The majority vote was to allow groups of two to be played in standard games only and not in any championships, if the odd number arose then swingers would be used.

Meeting closed 10:30am



General Meeting 06/11/2021

Meeting open 10:00am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Geoff Kelleher, Damian Quain, Kevan Brake, Peter Bacon, Enrique Ramos, John Watts, Rod Gilzean, Bob Williams, Wayne Edworthy, John Livingstone, Samuel Melham, Trent Glynn, Pereri Kingi.

Apologies: Wayne Hampton, David Maytom, Brett Gilzean, John Glynn.

General business:

  1. Geoff announced that the Presentation Night has been postponed until early next year.
  1. All Members were reminded of the importance of replying to emails sent out about game information and organisation.
  1. Christmas Funday has been confirmed to be played on 18/12/2021
  1. Club Championships will be played as follows

– 20-11-2021 -> Round 1

– 27-11-2021 -> Round 2

– 04-12-2021 -> Round 3 & December Medal

– 11-12-2021 -> Round 4

  1. Player of the year competition will finish on 18/12/2021
  1. No game will be help on Christmas Day 25/12/2021
  1. Due to Covid regulations we have not been able to host a meeting for some time. So we took the opportunity to congratulate Samuel Melham on his Hole in One on the 10th hole 12/6/2021
  1. Rodney Gilzean is moving away and won’t be able to be with us every week. We still look forward to him visiting and playing a round with us when he can. On behalf of all club members, Darren Kassis thanked Rod for all the help He has provided over the years. It’s been a pleasure playing golf and socialising with Rod and it’s a shame to have him move away but we wish him the best of luck in the future and welcome him back anytime he is free.
  1. Geoff announced that at the next General Meeting we will be casting our vote on the much discussed matter “Can we play in groups of 2, if so when” members will vote to determine the answer moving forward.

BBQ Clean up volunteers for December BBQ: Kevan Brake & John Livingstone.

Meeting closed 10:40am



General Meeting 05/06/2021

Meeting open 10:30am

Attendance: Darren Kassis, Geoffrey Kelleher, Peter Bacon, Kevan Brake, Brett Gilzean, John Glynn, Trent Glynn, Pereri Kingi, John Livingstone, Samuel Melham, Enrique Ramos, John Watts.

Apologies: Wayne Edworthy, Kenny Ibbett, Wayne Hampton & Damian Quain

Geoffrey Kelleher addressed an issue that arose on the 22/5/21. Involving Damian Quain & Wayne Edworthy, in that 2 members can not play alone in a championship event.

Previous examples & stories were told by Geoffrey Kelleher that explained why the rule was put into place. The previous incidents that were discussed were about 2 former members who had played at a later time than all the members in a team event but had a marker with them for the back nine and were believed to have cheated. The other was about an incident involving Damian Quain & James English  and due to the fact that Damian would not speak against James (his so called friend) at the meeting with the Committee the result of the inquiry went against Damian even though we all felt it should have gone the other way.

Before the meeting was closed it was moved that under no circumstances would we ever change any

Championship round again, that they would be played under the rules as they stand and at the time and day appointed.

Once completed Peter Bacon said that he completely understands and agrees with the decisions made and understands why the rules were put in place, as he was a member when the instances Geoffrey referred to, initially happened.

Unfortunately Damian Quain & Wayne Edworthy had prior commitments that meant they were unable to play the round in a group of 4 as that would make them late for their other commitments.

We just like to point out that the decision to not allow them to play as a group of 2 was solely following the rules that have been established in the past and in no way is a reflection of mistrust. We believe all members can be trusted and don’t believe anyone would cheat.

We apologise to Damian and Wayne, that this unfortunately resulted in them missing out on playing the championship.

Members may seek approval to play a round under special arrangements, but there is no guarantee that this will be allowed due to the problems that follow.

Geoffrey Kelleher explained that any member who is not happy about a decision concerning their game either before they play or during the game are entitled to “play under protest” this means that they will still score their round and at completion will approach Darren Kassis (Club Secretary) or Geoffrey Kelleher (Club Captain) and the matter will be brought to the committee and a formal decision will be made.

John Livingstone & John Watts volunteered for bbq clean up for July monthly medal.

Meeting closed 10:55am



General Meeting 01/05/2021

Meeting open 10:40am

Present : Darren Kassis, Geoffrey Kelleher, Damian Quain, Kevan Brake, Trent Glynn, Samuel Melham, Peter Bacon, John Glynn, John Livingstone, Enrique Ramos, Pereri Kingi, Rodney Gilzean, Trevor Carr, Terry Joachim, Kennith Ibbett, John Watts, Bob Williams, David Maytom & Brett Gilzean

Apologies :

General business

Peter Bacon proposed that preferred lies be revoked. Majority vote carried the motion. From the 8/5/2021 until further notice there will be no more preferred lies.



General Meeting 03/04/2021

Meeting open 10:40am

Present : Darren Kassis, Geoffrey Kelleher, Wayne Hampton, Kevan Brake, Trent Glynn, Samuel Melham, Peter Bacon, John Livingstone, Enrique Ramos, Rodney Gilzean & Terry Joachim

Apologies : Damian Quain, David Maytom & Brett Gilzean

General business

Kevan Brake suggested the scourers be washed not thrown away.

Geoffrey Kelleher proposed getting card holders with official Sefton GC insignia printed on them. The motion was carried by majority vote. None opposed.

Meeting Closed 11:00am






APOLOGIES: Robert Williams & David Maytom

ADOPTION OF MINUTES 2020 AGM: Moved by: Kevan Brake. Seconded by: Rod Gilzean — Carried

PRESIDENTS REPORT: Moved by: John Livingston. Seconded by: Kevan Brake — Accepted

SECRETARY`S REPORT: Moved by: Kevan Brake.  Seconded by: John Watts — Accepted

TREASURER`S REPORT: Moved by: Kevan Brake. Seconded by: Rodney Gilzean — Accepted

CAPTAIN`S REPORT:   Moved by: Darren Kassis. Seconded by: Terry Joachim —Accepted


NOMINATIONS FOR PRESIDENT: Damian Quain. Proposed by Rodney Gilzean. Seconded by Geoffrey Kelleher. Damian Quain accepted and was elected unopposed

NOMINATIONS FOR SECRETARY: Darren Kassis. Proposed by Rodney Gilzean. Seconded by Geoffrey Kelleher. David Maytom was proposed by John Watts but Declined to run against Darren Kassis.
Darren Kassis accepted and was elected Club Secretary.

NOMINATIONS FOR ASST.SECRETARY: Brett Gilzean. Proposed by Darren Kassis. Seconded by Geoffrey Kelleher. Brett Gilzean accepted and was elected unopposed

NOMINATIONS FOR TREASURER: Geoffrey Kelleher. Proposed by Wayne Hampton. Seconded by Darren Kassis. Geoffrey Kelleher accepted and was elected unopposed

NOMINATIONS FOR CAPTAIN: Geoffrey Kelleher. Proposed by Douglas Hampton. Seconded by Darren Kassis. Geoffrey Kelleher accepted and was elected unopposed

NOMINATIONS FOR VICE CAPTAIN: Wayne Hampton. Proposed by Jack Hampton. Seconded by  Geoff Kelleher. accepted and was elected unopposed

NOMINATIONS FOR SCORECARD SCRUTINEER: Darren Kassis was Elected unopposed

NOMINATIONS FOR CATERER: Peter Bacon. Proposed by Darren Kassis. Seconded by Kevan Brake. Peter Bacon accepted and was elected unopposed

NOMINATIONS FOR GENERAL COMMITTEE: Kevan Brake, Trent Glynn, John Livingstone, Samuel Melham, David Maytom & Enrique Ramos. All accepted and were elected.



Club Treasurer Geoffrey Kelleher nominated the new Club Secretary Darren Kassis be added as signatory on the club bank account. The Committee voted unanimously to adopt this motion. The club Secretary Darren Kassis will now be added as joint signatory on the account.


1. Geoffrey Kelleher proposed that the requirement of life members not needing to pay fees be adjusted to them paying 60% of the due fee.  Motion was carried Unanimously 

2. Geoffrey Kelleher proposed that with council fees increasing that green fees be increased to $30 (this includes the mandatory money hole) Motion was carried Unanimously

3. Fees and subscriptions will be updated in the Club Constitution Page 7   10.1   10.2   10.2.1  stating subscription in currently $300

4. Office bearers will be updated in the Club Constitution Page 9   14.2  adding the positions of Vice Captain & Assistant Secretary.

5. Change to draw. At the 2020 presentation night. Darren Kassis proposed to move the date of the Daisy Duck Memorial Day earlier so trophies can be ready for the presentation night. Motion was carried Unanimously

6. Maximum daily handicap was readdressed and it was proposed that the maximum daily handicap be made 36. This however is not possible due to The maximum GA Handicap under the WHS is 54.0 for both men and women which equates to 33 Daily Handicap.

7. Use of carts in Championship. This matter was readdressed and as it is not an official rule of golf. The committee decided unanimously that members do not require a doctors certificate to use a golf cart in Championship rounds.

8. Douglas Hampton (aka Jack) was inducted as a life member of Sefton Golf Club. Jack has been a long standing and greatly respected member, we were sad to see him retire but look forward to seeing him at all functions.

9. Terry Joachim expressed his gratitude to Darren Kassis for having results promptly on the website each Saturday morning. Terry was away due to health issues and said being able to see the results quickly was very appreciated.

10. At a previous meeting held on (27/4/2019) Darren Kassis proposed a clean up roster, after much discussion it was decided this would not work. The matter was readdressed and agreed to try it and see the outcome. With Kevan Brake generously volunteering to be on cleanup duty on a permanent basis. However we would still greatly appreciate members putting their hand up and volunteering to help out.





PRESENT: P Bacon, K Brake, T Carr, W Edworthy, B Gilzean, R Gilzean, J Glynn, W Hampton, D Kassis, G Kelleher, M Khoury, P Kingi, J Livingstone, D Maytom, S Melham, D Quain, E Ramos, J Watts, B Williams

GENERAL BUSINESS: Geoff  announced to the Members that Jack Hampton has retired from active golf. As a result of this Geoff moved to award Jack a Life Membership in recognition of his many years of loyal service to our Club. It was seconded by Darren and passed unanimously by the Members.




Meeting Open  10.00

PRESENT:  Geoff Kelleher, Kevan Brake, Enrique Ramos, Darren Kassis, Bob Williams, John  Livingstone, Rod Gilzean

APOLOGIES:  Peter Bacon, Damian Quain, David Maytom

This meeting is the first this year due to Covid 19 restrictions.

REPORTS: ​Geoff reported as a result of Covid the club`s income has suffered a reduction. The reduced income is not dire but noticeable. The Presentation Night will still proceed ( at this stage ) with reduced numbers, 30 max. It will be held in a different room and meals will be ordered and served at the table ( no buffet ). The Christmas Fun Day will go ahead as per normal.

As there was no further business,

Meeting closed at 10.35






APOLOGIES: Peter Bacon, Douglas Hampton, Wayne Hampton, Ken Ibbett, John Watts, Trevor Carr

ADOPTION OF MINUTES 2019 AGM: Moved by: Rod Gilzean. Seconded by: Kevan Brake — Carried

PRESIDENTS REPORT: Moved by: Dave Maytom   Seconded by: Darren Kassis — Accepted

SECRETARY`S REPORT: Moved by :   Kevan Brake   Seconded by: John Livingstone — Accepted

TREASURER`S REPORT: Moved by : Rod Gilzean     Seconded by: Damian Quain — Accepted

CAPTAIN`S REPORT:   Moved by: Damian Quain       Seconded by: Dave Maytom —Accepted


NOMINATIONS FOR PRESIDENT: Damian Quain, proposed by Peter Bacon… Elected unopposed

NOMINATIONS FOR SECRETARY: Rod Gilzean, proposed by Geoff Kelleher… Elected unopposed

NOMINATIONS FOR ASST.SECRETARY: Bob Williams, proposed by Rod Gilzean… Elected unopposed

NOMINATIONS FOR TREASURER: Geoff Kelleher, proposed by Rod Gilzean… Elected unopposed

NOMINATIONS FOR CLUB CAPTAIN: Geoff Kelleher, proposed by Douglas Hampton… Elected unopposed

NOMINATIONS FOR VICE CAPTAIN: Wayne Hampton, proposed by Douglas Hampton… Elected unopposed

NOMINATIONS FOR SCORECARD SCRUTINEERS: Dave Maytom and Bob WilliamsElected unopposed

NOMINATIONS FOR CATERER: Peter Bacon, proposed by Geoff Kelleher… Elected unopposed

NOMINATIONS FOR GENERAL COMMITTEE: Darren Kassis, Henry Ramos, Kevan Brake and John Livingstone… All elected unopposed

GENERAL BUSINESS: 1- Rod Gilzean proposed the Club purchase new shirts for members this year. Seconded by Bob Williams… Carried unanimously

2- Rod Gilzean proposed a discussion and final decision be made regarding the teeing ground for NTP`s and Money Hole during Match Play and players in non Match Play competition… After much discussion it was agreed the Money Hole to be played off the back plates and NTP`s to be played off the tee markers on the day.





Meeting open 10.35

Attendance: Geoff Kelleher, Bob Williams, Henry Ramos, Peter Bacon, Damian Quain, Kevan Brake, Rod Gilzean

Apologies: Dave Maytom

Reports: Geoff advised the Club`s financial position at the end of 2019 was $7000
Geoff also advised after consultation with committee members, a donation of $300 was made to the recent Bushfire Appeal.

General Business: With recent changes to the Handicapping System, Bob asked what would now be the maximum handicap for “B” grade ? After some discussion it was decided 33 would be the new maximum h-cap for “B” grade. (This was readdressed at the AGM on 6/3/2021, due to The maximum GA Handicap under the WHS is 54.0 for both men and women which equates to 33 Daily Handicap.)
Bob also asked about new club shirts. This was deferred to the upcoming AGM.
Bob suggested , also, members be reminded of the relief taken from GUR, notably from the swale across the 1st and 10th fairway. A ball can be dropped at the nearest point of relief, no nearer the hole.
Again, with the new rules, if you are OOB you may play from the point of OOB but you incur a 2 stroke penalty. You may also go back to where the original stroke was taken and only incur a 1 stroke penalty.
With no further business… meeting closed 11.00




Meeting Open : 10.10

Attendance: Geoff Kelleher, Darren Kassis, Bob Williams, Kevan Brake, Henry Ramos, Peter Bacon, Damian Quain, Rod Gilzean

Apologies: Dave Maytom

Gen. Business: Geoff presented an updated Financial Report with a current balance of $10,732. Geoff also presented a projected list of expenses to be incurred through to the end of the year.

Geoff also had a number of items to bring to committee`s attention. All items listed were addressed.

Meeting closed: 10.40




Meeting Open 10.30

Attendance: Geoff Kelleher, Dave Maytom, Bob Williams, Henry Ramos, Rod Gilzean

Apologies: Damian Quain, Peter Bacon, Kevan Brake, Darren Kassis

Reports: Geoff advised a Bank Balance of $8000, with only end of year trophies and prizes to be deducted from that.

General Business: John Watts eligibility to play in the upcoming Club Championship. With no dissenting argument it was agreed John be eligible to compete.

The recent Ambrose event, where a trial was run with the counting of putts, produced a variety of comments and discussion. As a result, the counting of putts in an Ambrose event will NO longer occur.

Meeting closed 10.50




Meeting Open: 10.05

Attendance: Geoff Kelleher, Dave Maytom, Rod Gilzean, Henry Ramos, Damian Quain, Bob Williams, Kevan Brake, Darren Kassis, Peter Bacon.


General Business: Darren suggested a roster for BBQ clean up on Medal Day. After much discussion, acknowledging the merit of the suggestion, it was decided to keep the current volunteer roster as there are too many variables implementing a set roster. (This was readdressed at the AGM on 6/3/2021 and decided to implement this on a trial basis) 

Rod was concerned with recent low attendances on comp days. After some discussion, it was decided less than 12 players would be one grade only, pending financial investigation by Geoff. ( Geoff has since advised no financial issue from that decision ). Also, Geoff will look into posting our Saturday results in the Bankstown Torch along with an ad to generate new members.

Dave suggested a change to the Eagle`s Nest on 9th hole. The current 30cm will remain, but the suggestion is to have 1/3 of the prize be awarded if the ball lands between 30cm and 1 metre. There would have to be a minimum amount of 100 balls in the kitty before the 1 metre takes effect. (Decided at May Medal day)

Bob asked if there could be a Runner Up prize for the 2Ball Agg. Championship as all other Championship events have a Runner Up prize. Geoff said yes, that extra prizes could be handled in the prize budget.

Meeting closed: 10.25




Meeting Open 10.40

APOLOGIES: D Quain W Hampton
ADOPTION OF MINUTES 2018 AGM: Moved by K Brake Seconded by K Ibbett
SECRETARY`S REPORT: Moved by D Maytom Seconded by K Brake
TREASURER`S REPORT: moved by R Gilzean Seconded by K Brake
CAPTAIN`S REPORT: moved by D Kassis Seconded by K Ibbett
NOMINATIONS FOR PRESIDENT: D Quain, elected unopposed
NOMINATIONS FOR SECRETARY: R Gilzean, elected unopposed
NOMINATIONS FOR ASST.SECRETARY: B Williams, elected unopposed
NOMINATIONS FOR TREASURER: G Kelleher, elected unopposed
NOMINATIONS FOR CLUB CAPTAIN: G Kelleher, elected unopposed
NOMINATIONS FOR VICE CAPTAIN: D Maytom, elected unopposed
NOMINATIONS FOR SCORECARD SCRUTINEERS: D Maytom and B Williams, elected unopposed
NOMINATIONS FOR CATERER: P Bacon, elected unopposed
NOMINATIONS FOR GENERAL COMMITTEE: E Ramos, D Kassis and K Brake, all elected unopposed
GENERAL BUSINESS: No general business




Present: Geoff Kelleher, Wayne Hampton, Damian Quain, Peter Bacon, Bob Williams, David Maytom, Rod Gilzean

Apologies: Carmelo Ramos, Kevan Brake

Items for discussion: 1. Geoff presented a Bank Statement and with cash in hand our current financial position is $10,336.98 which, not withstanding Presentation Night and Trophies, still places the Club in a fairly healthy state.

  1. Amongst the changes to some rules from Jan. 2019 there is to be a new additional form of stroke play: a player`s score for each hole is capped at a maximum set by the Committee. After some discussion it was decided for Sefton Golf Club to be “ no change for stroke scoring”.

3.The draw for 2019 was presented with 4 options. Option 4 was decided upon for next year.

Meeting closed 10.35




Present: Damian Quain, Geoff Kelleher, Bob Williams, Kevan Brake, Rod Gilzean

Apologies: Carmello Ramos, Peter Bacon, Darren Kassis, Dave Maytom

Items for discussion: Geoff advised the current balance of Club funds is $10311 with only an insurance premium due . Even allowing for our new vests and end of year expenses the Club is still travelling very well. The previous Saturday , Aug. 18 Geoff canvassed a majority of members regarding the Club making a donation to the Farmers Drought Relief Fund. All agreed and a sum of $300 will be donated.

A clarification was sought regarding the Money Hole during Foursomes Competition….. Every player who is eligible tees off on the Money Hole for a chance to win the cash.

Preferred lies were raised again. Geoff pointed out at a previous Medal Day Presentation the issue was raised and after some discussion the members present voted to have preferred lies on the fairway only.

New Rules of Golf will begin from January 1 2019. The Club will be issued with new booklets in September along with some books regarding Guidelines to the New Rules. The new Rules are designed to simplify some Rules as well as speed up play.

Meeting closed  10.40




Present: Geoff Kelleher, Darren Kassis, Bob Williams, Wayne Hampton, Carmelo Ramos, Rod Gilzean

Apologies: Damian Quain, Dave Maytom, Peter Bacon

Items for discussion: Geoff presented a current Balance Sheet and stock in hand.

Bank Balance $8843.12

Cash in hand $ 946.96

Total                 $9787.08

Stock held for BBQ`s, prizes and other events.

7x cartons Extra Dry Beer

17doz. Golf Balls (with more to come)

3doz. Bottles Mixed Wine

All agreed the Club is travelling very well considering we are not half way through the year.

Geoff also brought up the possibility of vests for members. Committee agreed to look into the type of vests available and if possible obtain some sample garments for our appraisal. Rod volunteered to see a local supplier and report back ASAP.

Rod reported 7 members of our club competed in the recent NSW Par 3 Championship held at Sefton Golf Course. With a field of nearly 80 our members acquitted themselves pretty well.

Meeting closed 11.05





APOLOGIES: Ken Ibbett, Trevor Carr and Chris Howarth

ADOPTION MINUTES 2017 AGM: Moved to accept, Dave Maytom  Seconded Kevan Brake: Accepted by all

BUSINESS ARISING FROM 2017 MINUTES: No business arising

PRESIDENT`S REPORT: Delivered verbally. Moved to accept, Rod Gilzean Seconded Dave Maytom: Accepted by all

SECRETARY`S REPORT: Handed out to read. Moved to accept, Wayne Hampton Seconded Dave Maytom: Accepted by all

TREASURER`S REPORT: Handed out to peruse. Moved to accept, Dave Maytom Seconded Jack Hampton: Accepted by all

CAPTAIN`S REPORT: Delivered verbally. Moved to accept, Rod Gilzean Seconded Darren Kassis: Accepted by all


NOMINATION FOR PRESIDENT: Damian Quain and Dave Maytom. Dave declined to stand. Damian Quain elected unopposed.

NOMINATION FOR SECRETARY: 1 nomination for Rod Gilzean, which he accepted and duly elected.

The Chairman explained to the meeting that Rod would not always be available and requested the members agree to have an Assistant Secretary to cover in Rod`s absence. The meeting readily agreed.

NOMINATION FOR ASSISTANT SECRETARY: 1 nomination for Bob Williams, which he accepted and duly elected.

NOMINATION FOR TREASURER: 1 nomination for Geoff Kelleher, which he accepted and duly elected.

NOMINATION FOR CAPTAIN: 1 nomination for Geoff Kelleher, which he accepted and duly elected.

NOMINATION FOR VICE CAPTAIN: 1 nomination for Wayne Hampton, which he accepted and duly elected.

NOMINATION FOR CATERER: 1 nomination for Peter Bacon, which he accepted and duly elected.

NOMINATION FOR COMMITTEE: 1 nomination each for Dave Maytom, Carmelo Ramos, Kevan Brake Darren Kassis and Peter Bacon , who all accepted and duly elected.

GENERAL BUSINESS: It has been proposed the now appointed position of scorecard scrutineer be an elected position. Moved by Geoff Kelleher, Seconded Damian Quain and accepted by all.

Dave Maytom was nominated for the position of Scorecard Scrutineer By Geoff Kelleher , Seconded by Rod Gilzean which he accepted and was duly elected.















Present: Kevan Brake, Carmelo Ramos, Wayne Hampton, Peter Bacon, Geoff Kelleher, Bob Walker, Bob Williams, Rod Gilzean

Apologies: Damian Quain

Items for discussion: 1- It was suggested due to hot ,dry conditions and bare patches on fairways that preferred lies be allowed. The committee rejected the request and stated that “ play it as it lies “ will prevail unless a local rule states differently on the day.

2- Geoff submitted a revised score card for our perusal. All present approved the changes and Geoff will now send it off to the printer to be updated.

With no further business,

Meeting closed 10.35




Present: Bob Walker, Damian Quain, Kevan Brake, Carmelo Ramos, Geoff Kelleher, Rod Gilzean

Apologies: Peter Bacon, Bob Williams and Wayne Hampton

Items for discussion:

A new procedure has been introduced by Golf Australia for deciding a result on a countback. Rod asked the Committee to accept this procedure and adopt it forthwith. The procedure was accepted .

Our current score cards will soon be due for reprinting. Rod handed out a score card to every member present and asked them to review it in view of any amendments that may be required to the new card. Cards to be returned to either Geoff or Rod in a few weeks time in order for changes to be updated.

Geoff advised the Committee he would not be able to attend the Presentation Night due to a prior engagement. Rod had previously advised his non attendance as well. Geoff approached the 3 Swallows Hotel re alternative dates and fortunately Sat. December 9 is available. Geoff sought the Committee`s approval to confirm the change of date . Approval was granted without question. Rod will post a notice re this change and ask Bob Williams to place a notice on our website.

With no further business,

Meeting closed 10.25.




Present: Geoff Kelleher, Wayne Hampton, Rod Gilzean, Robert Williams, Peter Bacon, Kevan Brake, Damian Quain, Carmelo Ramos

Apologies: Bob Walker.

Items for discussion:

Peter raised a situation which arose during the day`s event. That being, his ball at rest on the fairway was struck by another ball and knocked into a bunker. What is the ruling?

Rule 18 Ball at Rest Moved. – 18-5 by Another Ball. If a ball in play and at rest is moved by another ball in motion after a stroke, the moved ball must be replaced.

Rod raised the possibility of increasing our weekly green fees as Council has increased their green fee charges across the board from July 1. Geoff stated, as our Bank Balance is quite healthy, the club could absorb the increase for this year. After some discussion, it was moved that green fees remain as is but prize money be increased from $30 to $40 as of July 1 Medal Day. The meeting agreed to accept that proposal.

With no further business,

Meeting closed at 11.30




Present : Damian Quain, Kevan Brake, Bob Williams, Bob Walker, Carmelo Ramos, Rod Gilzean, Geoff Kelleher.

Apologies: Wayne Hampton

Items for discussion: Moved from the AGM for Committee, the possible increase in prizemoney. Considering Geoff`s recent tragic circumstances it was decided to defer this subject to the next meeting.

Trialing of holes 8 & 16 on Medal days as additional NTP`s. Working well with no adverse comments.

Robert Williams proposed 3 permanent NTP`s being 8, 12 & 16 with the 4th NTP to be rotated as at present. After some discussion it was decided : if, after trialling, the 8th and 16th holes are accepted as additional NTP`s, the other 2 NTP`s will remain rotational. When they clash with the Money Hole (17th) the Money Hole will move to the 16th. Hole 6 and 18 will be in the mix.

In the absence of committee members after golf last Saturday (March 22 ) Geoff and Rod made an Executive decision for the Club to make a donation to the Chris O`Brien Lifehouse. This Committee fully endorsed that decision.

With no further business,

Meeting closed 11.00

Additional to above, it was decided on Sat 06/05/17 that 8th and 16th holes be added on a permanent basis. When Money Hole moves to 16th the alternate NTP will be the 12th hole. When 8th hole is in rotation, the alternate NTP will be the 5th hole.




Present: Damian Quain, Peter Bacon, Carmelo Ramos, Kevan Brake, Geoff Kelleher and Rod Gilzean

Apologies: Bob Walker and Chris Howarth

Items for discussion: Rod raised this on behalf of Dave Maytom, who, when checking the scorecards, is finding many are not filled in correctly. Geoff is having similar problems when double checking the cards prior to entering scores into Golflink. The main area of concern is the Result line – the player must use that line to enter the score for the event being played on the day eg. Stableford event on the day, Stableford score is entered in the Result Line. Kevan suggested a range of sample scorecards be made up with the different event scoring and placed on the notice board.

Rod raised the old chestnut of conceding putts to a fellow competitor aka “ gimmees “. The only time in competition a putt may be conceded is Match Play. So, please, no more gimmees.

Rod also advised the members present he had a preliminary training session with Phil regarding updating and maintaining the club website. Rod will be having ongoing sessions with Phil until Phil deems Rod competent and Rod feels confident to go solo. Phil indicated he would be available in the event of a drama. Rod will keep the Committee updated on his progress.

With no further business,

Meeting closed   10.20




Present: Peter Bacon, Damian Quain, Bob Walker, Carmelo Ramos, Kevan Brake, Geoff Kelleher and Rod Gilzean

Apologies: Chris Howarth, Phil Mangan ( moved to USA )

Items for discussion: Geoff was looking to finalise the draw for next year in order to organise the printing. There had been a suggestion earlier to move the Club Championship away from August as it clashes with the greens being cored and top dressed. It was agreed to move that event to September. Geoff is to consult with the ground staff to establish when their coring program is in 2017 and providing there is no conflict September will be the month for the Championship. It is hoped Geoff will have some clarification at the November Medal Day.

Rod made note of Phil leaving the Club to move to the USA. Phil, having set up and maintained our website is prepared to still maintain the site ( but not indefinitely ) until he can train someone up to update the site. Damian and Rod tentatively put up theirs with Damian saying his business may interfere at times. At this stage Rod appears to be a candidate. After Rod is competent and confident he will then train another member or possibly two to be back ups. Rod will be in touch with Phil to see how this can be achieved.

With no further business,

Meeting closed   10.40




Present: Chris Howarth, Damian Quain, Geoff Kelleher, Rod Gilzean, Peter Bacon, Kevan Brake, Carmelo Ramos,

Apologies: Phil Mangan and Bob Walker

There were issues arising from the previous decision to restrict practice on the course to a designated area on the south side of the 10th tee ie. ground not level and uneven surface. Also, players on the chipping green were potentially at risk of being hit. A proposal to allow the 10th tee to be used to warm up ( provided balls are directed at the dam ) was accepted.

Two further issue were raised for discussion:

1 – Use of carts by members during club competition. Golf NSW advised there is no Rule regarding this, it is a Club Committee decision. In view of this it was proposed all Championship events ( Match Play, Foursomes, Aggregate and Club Championship over 4 rounds ) would restrict the use of carts in those events. Carts would be allowed with a medical certificate or approval by the Committee. The proposal was accepted. (This was readdressed at the AGM on 6/3/2021 and reverted back to not needing a doctors certificate to use a motorised golf cart in Championship rounds.) 

2 – Size of playing groups. This also is a Club Committee decision. It was accepted whenever possible groups of four would be the norm. A group of five would be split into a three and a two and if it was necessary to have a group of five approval would have to be given by the Course Manager on the day.

Geoff advised we now have a Notice Board for the day`s event, which will have the particular event and any relevant local rules for that day`s play. Eg Preferred lie, tee up, bunker out of play etc. The board will be placed ( dependent on weather ) out near the !st tee or up on the verandah for all to see.

Meeting closed 10.55




Present: Peter Bacon, Carmelo Ramos, Geoff Kelleher, Damian Quain, Bob Walker, Kevan Brake and

Rod Gilzean

Apologies: Phil Mangan and Chris Howarth

Items for discussion: Geoff reported our new score cards were issued and used in today`s competition round. The club`s current bank balance is $8,170. with Insurance ( amount unknown ) the only expense coming up.

The NP`s are now set on a weekly rolling basis ie the Aug Monthly Medal will begin with holes 8 & 18 as NP. When hole 18 is the scheduled NP the Money Hole will move to the 17th .

Also, when playing the 1st from the elevated area ( in reg. comp, championship events or medal days) it will now be a drive & chip. To clarify, when any event is being played for a trophy or medal the back plates are to be played from and all Handicaps remain the same throughout that particular competition. Tee times- From September to the end of December this year tee off will be 6.30am and from January 7 2017 tee off will be 7.00am for the rest of the year. (note change at bottom of minutes)

Peter suggested all Championship final rounds be played with the 2 leaders in A & B grade tee off in the last group and the preceding groups cascading down. The meeting agreed to adopt the suggestion.

Damian asked when playing off the back plate on the 6 th tee if we could have temporary markers forward of the bare ground around the back plate area. The meeting agreed and the first group will now take 2 temp. markers to place in a better position and the last group will pick them up. ( Geoff generously offered to supply the temp. markers )

Rod noted the new shirts and jackets have been very well received especially the jackets during this recent cold weather.

Rod also raised the subject of practice on the course prior to the day`s competition round. As the club is a member of Golf NSW we are obliged to operate within their Rules and Regulations, which includes the Rules of Golf. Rule 7-1 prohibits any competitor from practicing on the course or testing the surface of any putting green on the day of competition. The penalty for breach of this rule is DQ. The meeting agreed to uphold this Rule and added with 2 practice greens and driving nets there is ample opportunity to warm up. Please note- this will be discussed at Medal Day presentation and enacted from that point on.

Rod also mentioned Golf NSW is running Rules of Golf Seminars in August at Dunheved on 16th and Liverpool on 23rd . Any club member interested please see Rod to organise registration.

Meeting closed 11.30

Sat. 06/08/2016 At the Medal Day presentation these minutes were presented to the members. The subject of practice on the course raised some discussion. As a result a compromise was put forward, that being, driving would be allowed into the dam from the grassed area on the South side of the 10th tee, bearing in mind, as always, the safety of others in the vicinity. All members present agreed to this amendment. Also, tee times for 2017 have reverted to 06.30 due to a mix up in the club house

booking sheets




Present: Phil Mangan, Peter Bacon, Bob Walker, Damian Quain, Carmelo Ramos, Chris Howarth, Kevan Brake, Geoff Kelleher and Rod Gilzean

Items for discussion: Rod raised the old chestnut of the cleaning of the BBQ and utensils after Medal Day BBQ`s. It generally falls back to the same members most times to clean up. Rather than draw up a roster, which could be cumbersome, it was suggested that we call for volunteers, after Medal Day presentation, for the following Medal Day. Peter Bacon and Kevan Brake volunteered for the June Medal Day BBQ. For those not familiar with the procedure ,the hotplates are fairly straightforward, but the cooking utensils can be washed up in the Clubhouse kitchen. We all enjoy the BBQ`s our club provides so if we all contribute it lightens the load.

Damian was seeking clarification on tee positions during major events. Answer: When playing for a Trophy or a Medal we tee off from the back plates.

Geoff reported as at 1/5/2016 our Bank Balance was $8190.79. The new shirts have arrived and subject to the correct sizes as per the order, Geoff will be issuing them at the June Medal Day.Mention was also made of our new web site which is growing in content and our thanks to Phil for maintaining the site. Members are encouraged to see Phil regarding items to be included on the site. It is hoped to soon have some regular additions to the Rules and Etiquette section with the occasional Rules Quiz to test your knowledge.





Present: Phil Mangan, Damian Quain, Peter Bacon, Bob Walker, Carmelo Ramos,Rod Gilzean,Geoff Kelleher.

Absent: Chris Howarth

Items for discussion: Phil advised he has completed setting up the website and is now up and running. Currently the site is still fairly basic but as new information is supplied and entered it is expected to be of benefit to all members within a few weeks. Members will be encouraged to offer any ideas regarding content of their website.

Damian is seeking clarification regarding GUR on the 1st hole. Damian also queried the situation with sand or lack of in bunkers. The bunker situation may well be resolved soon as some of the bunkers have been topped up over recent weeks. We are hoping all bunkers will be attended to.

Rod suggested Dave Maytom be approached to see if he would be willing to be the official scorecard reviewer ( as he does it now in an unofficial capacity ). There were no objections from the committee. Rod would also like to encourage all members to be a little more familiar with the Rules of Golf. With our new website there is scope to bring aspects of the Rules to members in an easier format. Rod also asked whether members of other clubs could play in our comp. events, provided they had a AGU handicap. No objections, provided they paid the appropriate green fee.

Geoff reported our new shirts should be available by mid April, courtesy of our three sponsors: Brydens Lawyers   $1500 , $1000 & Excell Plant Hire $600. Our thanks to those three sponsors.

Bob has some concerns regarding Kiwi numbers for the Capper Cup in May. Both Bob and Peter ( in recent years ) have been instrumental in recruiting Kiwis for our annual challenge. They are not getting commitments at this stage and fear they may have to cancel this year`s event. They both will report back on Medal day with any progress.

Peter reported he was stocking up on supplies this coming week for our BBQ days and was given some items to add to his shopping list.